从今天开始,侠盗猎车手4的玩家可以通过操控游戏手柄来查找他们在游戏中听的歌曲,然后从 Amazon MP3 访问和下载个性化的音乐播放列表。
“发现和下载”的过程是这样运作的:在玩侠盗猎车手游戏时,玩家能听到16个游戏内电台的200多首歌曲。一个叫做 ZIT 的 GTA 4 新特性让客户能够“做标记(tag)”他们喜欢的歌曲。当玩家听到一首感兴趣的歌曲时,他们就可以在游戏内的手机上拨打 ZIT-555-0100,然后一个文本信息就会出现在手机上,带有歌曲的标题和歌手。ZIT 号码被记录到手机上,以便将来方便的一键式查找歌曲。
游戏过后,玩家可以登录到 Rockstar 游戏社交俱乐部网站,在那里他们可以查看游戏播放记录和一个被做过标记的音乐列表。这个网站会提供一个到 Amazon MP3 上的定制化的播放列表,以供预览,购买和下载这些 256kbps 的 MP3 文件格式的音乐。
— 原文内容 —
Grand Theft Auto Tags Amazon For In Game Downloads
Starting today, players of Grand Theft Auto IV can look up songs they hear in the game with the touch of a controller, then access and download personalized playlists of those songs from Amazon MP3.
Amazon has also added a dedicated storefront promoting music from Grand Theft Auto IV. The store is organized by radio stations within the game, and will feature the new 16-song album “The Music of Grand Theft Auto IV”.
Here’s how “discover and download” works: While playing Grand Theft Auto IV, players can listen to 200+ songs across 16 in-game stations. A new GTA IV feature called ZIT lets customers ‘tag’…the songs they like. When a player hears a song that interests them, they can dial ZIT-555-0100 on their in-game cell phone, and a text message appears on the phone with the song title and artist. The ZIT number is recorded on the phone for easy one-key lookups of future songs.
After playing, gamers log on to the Rockstar Games Social Club community site at where they can view game play stats and a list of songs tagged. The site will offer a link to a customized playlist on Amazon MP3 for preview, purchase and download the songs as 256 kbps MP3 files.
DigiMarketing.cn 点评:
游戏内营销(In-game Marketing)的潜力无穷。随着全世界游戏玩家的人数越来越多,游戏作为营销的新载体之一,已经在发挥着越来越大的作用。
译者:Leon Zhang, DigiMarketing.cn
原作者:Bruce Houghton
引用地址: http://digimarketing.cn/?p=353