创意案例赏析 | 汉堡王又一次把事故照片变成了创意广告





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广告口号:Leave it to us (买汉堡这种事)交给我们就好

案例:Car Crashes
品牌:Burger King 汉堡王
创意代理商:LOLA MullenLowe 马德里

2019戛纳银狮奖,Outdoor | Retail


The WHOPPER® is America’s favorite burger and there are people who just can’t wait to enjoy it, literally. Or at least that’s what we figured out after seeing a huge number of car crashes at our restaurants every year. That’s why we decided to be cheeky and use these real pictures to promote the launch of Burger King’s delivery service in the USA.

The campaign was launched nationwide and later it ran in others countries like Spain, Brazil and Germany in magazines and outdoor. *None of these accidents resulted in injuries.

广告口号:Flame Grilled since 1954(自从1954年起专注火烤烘焙)

案例:Burning Stores
品牌:Burger King 汉堡王
创意代理商:David Miami

2017戛纳全场大奖,Print And Publishing | Restaurants & Fast Food Chains


Project Description 项目描述
Our goal was to remind people that Burger King has been dedicated to serving flame-grilled, great tasting sandwiches, since 1954. It’s what Burger King is all about. And educating people of this is a constant brief. When you have a campaign with messaging and visuals that effortlessly and honestly relay this message, the risk outweighs the reward every time.

The idea: When you play with fire, you risk getting burned. And when you grill with an open flame, you risk burning your store down. It happens. So, we turned that into a good thing. Without ever showing product, we provided proof that making a delicious sandwich like the flame-grilled Whopper is no easy task.

Agency Solution 解决方案
It’s not hard to get a brand to make headlines. Our goal was to make headlines that also make a point, and we did exactly that. We demonstrated our dedication and the risks we face to do what we do – offer delicious sandwiches, flame-grilled to perfection. That’s how we created full spread newspaper ads using real photographs taken on the scene of actual Burger King stores engulfed in flames. These ads ran in national publications and as posters in Burger King stores.

And so we proved that making a delicious sandwich like the flame-grilled Whopper is no easy task.


张亮(Leon Zhang),BCW博雅公关北京数字与创意董事总经理,中国传媒大学广告学院专业讲师,福布斯中国撰稿人

关注新浪微博 @张亮Leon

引用地址: http://digimarketing.cn/?p=3050

本文由 Leon Zhang 发布(原创、翻译或转载)。 浏览量:551次, 发布日期: 2022-06-5 ,分类目录: 他山之石, 案例研究, 精选文章。 您可以订阅本文 RSS 2.0 第一时间获取最新的回复信息。 评论和引用功能暂时关闭。


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