网络营销经理 (Web Marketing Manager) 的13条典型工作职责

网络营销经理,又名互联网营销经理,线上市场经理等,英文名 Web Marketing Manager, Online Marketing Manager 等,各家公司的叫法不同,具体职责也有所不同,但其实总的来讲还是有一些相同之处的。了解这些相同之处,对于正在或者希望从事这个职业的人士而言,其价值不言而喻。

最近发现大名鼎鼎的招聘网站 Monster 推出了一个职业测评工具,可以用来规划个人职业生涯,了解各种不同职业的特点,查看整个就业市场的情况,甚至能把自己的职业和基准数据进行对比分析。


  1. 引导产品需求产生流程来确定网络市场的潜力;开始和执行市场调研;为客户分类;识别各种不同细分市场的需求并估计市场规模;分析满足客户需求的方法;评估竞争性产品和实践;估计收益。
  2. 通过制定电子市场战略和原理来制定商业计划;准备投资回报比和盈亏预计;确立优先级;提供建议;取得承诺和资源。
  3. 识别和发展新的市场来开发新网站。
  4. 定义网站目标以进行网页设计;评估潜在的设计;指导设计人员;测试网站的结构和导航是否符合客户的技术能力。
  5. 通过不断创新以加强公司声誉;探索增值机会。
  6. 研究产品规范和特性以建立网络信息;分析客户动机、兴趣和需求;创造网站内容;协商和协调内容合作关系。
  7. 研究、分析和定义客户需求来制定网络战略;识别目标客户;分析竞争对手;研究公司的产品线目标;识别战略内容合作关系。
  8. 更新内容和设计来维护网站;监测客户使用情况。
  9. 进行预测、投资回报比分析和盈亏分析来实现财务目标。
  10. 协调印刷和媒体广告中的公告来宣传网站;在搜索引擎上注册;制作横幅广告和链接交换联盟;分析和创造增加网站流量的方式。
  11. 保留信息机密以保护组织的价值。
  12. 搜集、分析和总结销售和市场的数据和趋势来提供信息。
  13. 为具有潜在商业价值的机会测试新的渠道并制定发布计划。


  1. Determines web market potential by leading product requirements generation process; initiating and conducting market research; profiling customers; identifying varying needs of market segments and estimating market size; analyzing methods to satisfy customer requirements; evaluating competitive products and practices; estimating revenue.
  2. Develops business plan by developing electronic market strategies and rationales; preparing ROI and profit and loss estimates; establishing priorities; presenting recommendations; gaining commitment and resources.
  3. Develops new Web sites by identifying and developing new markets.
  4. Develops Web design by defining Web objective; evaluating potential designs; directing designers; testing site organization and navigability understanding technology capabilities of customers.
  5. Enhances organization reputation by fostering innovation; exploring opportunities to add value.
  6. Establishes Web message by studying product specifications and characteristics; analyzing customer motivations, interests, and needs; creating site content; negotiating and coordinating content partnerships.
  7. Establishes Web strategy by researching, analyzing, and defining customer requirements; identifying target customers; analyzing competitors’ offerings; studying company objectives for the product line; identifying strategic content partnerships.
  8. Maintains Web site by upgrading content and design; monitoring customer use.
  9. Meets financial objectives by completing forecasts, return-on-investment analyses, and profit and loss projections.
  10. Promotes Web site by coordinating announcement in print and media ads; registering with search engines; creating banner ads and link exchange affiliates; analyzing and creating ways to increase traffic to the site.
  11. Protects organization’s value by keeping information confidential.
  12. Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing sales and marketing data and trends.
  13. Tests new channels and opportunities and develops roll-out plans for those deemed as profitable growth opportunities.

译者:Leon Zhang, 数字营销宝典 –
原文:Monster Career Tools –

关注新浪微博 @张亮Leon


本文由 Leon Zhang 发布(原创、翻译或转载)。 浏览量:1,124次, 发布日期: 2009-02-18 ,分类目录: 职业发展。 您可以订阅本文 RSS 2.0 第一时间获取最新的回复信息。 评论和引用功能暂时关闭。


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