GroupM 2015 China Digital Playbook

近期,群邑集团的《GroupM 2015 China Digital Playbook》中英文双版正式发布。这份年度报告将着重指出5个需要注意的关键领域,并通过切实可行的建议帮助大家提高对数字营销的信心。


1. 品牌程序化购买蓄势待发

2. 品牌如何从BAT的数据战争中获利?

3. PC、电视让位移动

4. 从电子商务中学习效果营销之道

5. 跳出前贴片 投资多元化






Recently GroupM has published its 2015 China Digital Playbook in both English and Chinese, an annual attempt to help brand marketers grasp key trends and formulate strategies for success in China’s ultra-vibrant online marketing landscape.

Table of Contents:

1. 2015 as the Breakout Year for Brands and Programmatic
Brands must begin to tap China’s advanced performance infrastructure to efficiently achieve targeted reach at scale via programmatic ad buys

2. How Brands Benefit from BAT Big Data Wars
Big data finally becomes readily accessible to marketers, particularly through BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) and other major publishers

3. PC and TV as Extensions of Mobile
Hitting the re-set button on China media strategy now that mobile is the #1 screen in every way

4. Making E-commerce Your Performance Marketing Laboratory
Marketers must learn and apply the principles of e-commerce performance marketing – real-time, data-backed, bid-based, and performance-driven

5. Getting More Visual Bang for the Video Buck
The most foolproof way for brands to find success in digital is to produce great video content, which will then travel far and wide online

In this year’s edition, we have also included a series of Q&As “Voices from the Front Lines” featuring key thought leaders across GroupM agencies.

The Playbook is meant to initiate discussion and debate on key trends and best media practice in China. Welcome to download here.

Click here to download English version

Click here to download Chinese version

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本文由 Leon Zhang 发布(原创、翻译或转载)。 浏览量:1,020次, 发布日期: 2015-03-23 ,分类目录: 参考资料, 战略战术, 社交媒体, 社交媒体平台, 精选文章。 您可以订阅本文 RSS 2.0 第一时间获取最新的回复信息。 评论和引用功能暂时关闭。


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