创意案例赏析 | 汉堡王又一次把事故照片变成了创意广告
近日,博雅公关中国区数字媒体战略顾问张亮 Leon Zhang 受中国美国商会 (AmCham-China) 邀请,作为演讲嘉宾出席微博营销圆桌会议“Marketing the Weibo Way”。Leon分享了企业微博营销的经验心得、最佳实践及成功案例。以下是Leon的演讲内容实录。
Search engines can provide you with a way of attracting a great deal of targetted traffic or ensuring your site is found by the audience seeking it. It’s no longer good enough to build a site and expect everyone to find it if you have not followed a few simple rules of SEO. Google, Yahoo! and MSN search all follow similar rules that are designed to help the searcher only. Only when you have satisfied those rules will you float majestically to the first page or even number 1. There are NO shortcuts!!! Occasionally a loophole appears that allows spamming of a search engine but only for a few short days, the Google staff know their algorithms better than anyone and will quickly close any loopholes created in an update.。…
今天在 Baidu 上搜索,很高兴地发现数字营销宝典(http://digimarketing.cn/)终于出现在 Baidu 的第一名的位置上了(关键词:数字营销);在 Google 上排名时有变化,但基本稳定在第一页前3名中。…