
数字营销常用专业术语横幅广告 (Banner Ad)
出现在网页上的广告,通常是在页面的顶部 (header) 或底部 (footer)。为了让用户点击获取更多信息(查看微型网站)而设计。

黑名单 (Blacklisted)
黑名单通知的意思是,由于被主要列表中的某一个标记为已知垃圾信息发送方,信息可能没有发送成功。不同的网络服务提供商 (ISP, Internet Service Provider) 使用不同的黑名单来阻挡信息发送给他们的客户。这可以是一个临时性的阻挡或者永久性的,取决于名单本身。

阻挡 (Blocked)
阻挡通知的意思是,由于被订阅者的网络服务提供商 (ISP, Internet Service Provider) 认作垃圾邮件而没有通过。这可以是由于被列入了黑名单,或者发送的信息包含有一个已经被阻挡的域名。

博客 (Blog)
网络日志 (web log)”的缩写。博客是用户自己制作的网站,在这里输入是由日记风格呈现的,并且以逆向时间顺序排列(新信息在前)。

活动 (Campaign)


点击量 (Click Through)
人们点击你的信息中链接的次数。这通常在 CTR (点击率) 中被提及。注意:为了能够记录到点击量,你必须在活动中启用点击跟踪。

DMA 市场 (DMA Market)
DMA 代表指定市场区域 (Designated Market Area),通常与娱乐行业相关联。DMA通常是包含很多可以作为目标的人口的地区(或分地区),如纽约市,洛杉矶或芝加哥。

电子邮件提供商 (Email Service Provider, ESP)
外部公司,如 mobileStorm,可以代表他们的客户来发送批量邮件,从而避免他们的信息被标记为垃圾信息或整个被阻挡。

False Positives

全球永久删除名单 (Global Permanent Removal List),由从特殊数据库中自动删除的纪录组成。几乎所有的电子邮件服务提供商 (ESP) 或多渠道通信公司都会为他们的客户维护这些名单。

即时通讯 (Instant Messeging)
即时通讯(通常缩写作 IM),是一种通信服务,它可以让你能够创建一种和另一个人的私人聊天室,来通过互联网实现即时沟通。

关键字 (Keywords)

微型网站 (Microsite)

打开率 (Open Rate)

个人化 (Personalization)

新闻聚合技术 (RSS)
RSS Real Simple Syndication,新闻聚合技术,设计用于让用户能够订阅特定内容的信息源,并且当有更新时可以收到自动通知。

RSS 订阅器 (RSS Reader)
一种应用程序,用于订阅和检测所选择的 RSS 内容信息源(种子文件)的。

Short Code

短信 (SMS)
短信息 (Short Message Service) 是一种通过手机发送的单向的文本信息。通常由接收方手机的文本信息收件箱所接收,每条信息最长160个字符。

公共书签 (Social Bookmarking)

垃圾信息 (Spam)

流媒体技术 (Streaming Technologies)

订阅者 (Subscriber)

目标化 (Targeting)

语音广播 (Voice Broadcast)

一个小的图形化的设备,能够完成有高度针对性的,通常是单一、特定的任务。网络 Widget 能够通过软件(如苹果的Dashboard 软件或者 Yahoo! Widgets 引擎)集成到网页中或者运行在电脑或苹果机的桌面上。


Digital Marketing Terms

Banner Ad
An advertisement that appears on a Web page, most commonly at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of the page. Designed to have the user click on it for more information (see Microsite).

A blacklisted notice means that the message may not have been delivered due to be flagged on one of the major lists that keep tabs of known spammers. Different ISPs use different blacklists to block mailings from being delivered to their clients. It can be a temporary ban or a permanent one, depending upon the list.

A blocked notice means that the message did not get through due to being considered spam by the subscriber’s ISP. This may be due to being on a blacklist or because the message contains a domain that is already being blocked.

Shortened from “web log” a blog is a user-generated Web site where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.

A campaign is a specific message being sent to a specific group of recipients.

The CAN SPAM ACT is a series of federal laws that must be followed by all email marketers. Those found in violation of the laws can be subjected to major penalties. For more information, go to http://www.spamlaws.com/federal/108s877.html 

Click Through
The number of times people clicked on the links in your message. This is often referred to as CTR (Click Through Rate). Note: you must have enabled click through tracking in the campaign in order for this to be recorded.

DMA Market
DMA stands for Designated Market Area, which is often associated with the entertainment industry. DMAs are usually counties (or sometimes split counties) that contain a large population that can be targeted, such as New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago.

Email Service Provider (ESP)
Outside companies like mobileStorm that send bulk emails on behalf of their clients to prevent their messages as being labeled as spam or blocked entirely.

False Positives
Legitimate messages being labeled as “spam” Can cost companies potentially millions in potential lost revenue if not dealt with correctly.

The Global Permanent Removal List consists of records that are automatically removed from a particular database. Almost all email service providers (ESP) or multi-channel messaging companies maintain these lists for their clients.

Instant Messaging
Instant messaging (often shortened to IM) is a type of communications service that enables you to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time over the Internet.

Used in conjunction with SMS messages. A user types a short code and matching keyword in order to be added to a mobile club or database.

A mini Web site design to promote a specific portion or brand from a larger corporate site. Used often with contests or as a landing page for a specific promotion.

Open Rate
This is a ratio determined by the number of people who opened your email against the total number of people to whom you sent the message. Typically, this number will be low for large campaigns and higher for more targeted campaigns.

Personalization gives you the ability to create a customized message for each person in your database. Can be addressed by first/last name, city, state, zip, etc.

RSS or Real Simple Syndication is technology designed to allow users to subscribe to a specific content feed and be automatically alerted when new updates are available.

RSS Reader
Application used to subscribe and monitor selected RSS content feeds.

Short Code
A short code is a 5 digit number that is used to send and respond to text messages. They can either be a random set of numbers or a “vanity” number tied to a specific brand or number pattern.

SMS (Short Message Service) is a one-way text message sent via a cell phone. It is usually received via the subscribers’ text message inbox on their cell phone and can be a maximum of 160 characters per message.

Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking is a popular way to store, classify, share and search links that are combined into a single site for easy access.

An email message that is unwanted by the recipient. Legitimate emails can sometimes be incorrectly identified as spam and is a growing problem.

Streaming Technologies
Communication channel such as video and audio that is accessed online. Can be a pre-stored clip to access as well as a live feed that is streamed like an online broadcast.

A person who signs up to receive messages from a particular company or entity.

Targeting allows you to send a message to people based on specific criteria from your subscriber database.

Voice Broadcast
Sending a pre-recorded voice messages to a large set of phone numbers at the time same. Can either be a voice call (meaning the recipient must answer the call for the message to play) or voice mail (meaning the message will play only if the recipient doesn’t answer )

A small graphical device that does a highly focused, often single, specific task. Web widgets can be embedded in web pages or run on the desktop of a PC or Mac using software such as Apple’s Dashboard software or Yahoo! Widgets Engine.

译者:Leon Zhang, DigiMarketing.cn | 作者:WikiPedia | 原文:WikiPedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_marketing)

关注新浪微博 @张亮Leon

引用地址: http://digimarketing.cn/?p=334

本文由 Leon Zhang 发布(原创、翻译或转载)。 浏览量:900次, 发布日期: 2008-04-29 ,分类目录: 专业术语。 您可以订阅本文 RSS 2.0 第一时间获取最新的回复信息。 评论和引用功能暂时关闭。


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