
迁移您的网站的最佳实践经验 - Best practices when moving your site打算把网站移到新的域名上么?很多的网站管理员们都发现这是一个可怕的过程。怎么做才不会影响到你的网站在 Google 搜索上的表现呢?
你的目标是让这个转移过程对用户而言悄无声息且天衣无缝,并且确保 Google 知道你的新页面应该得到和你自己现有网站上的页面同样的品质信号。当你在迁移网站时,讨厌的 404 (文件未找到) 错误可能会影响到用户体验,并为你的网站在 Google 上的表现带来负面的影响。

让我们来谈谈迁移网站到新的域名上(例如,从 http://www.example.com/ 变成 http://www.example.org/)。这不同于迁移到一个新的 IP 地址;如果想了解那个的话,请参考这篇文章


  • 通过先迁移一个目录或子域名的内容来测试迁移过程。然后使用 301 跳转来把酒网站上的那些页面永久性指向新网站。这告诉 Google 和其他的搜索引擎,你的网站已经永久性地迁移了。
  • 一旦这个完成后,查看你的新网站上的页面出现在 Google 搜索结果中。当你对迁移是否顺利感到满意了,你就可以迁移整个网站了。不要做地毯式的跳转来把你旧网站的所有流量都转移到新首页上去。这会避免 404 错误,但是并不是一个好的用户体验。页面对页面的跳转(旧网站上的每一个页面都分别跳到自己对应的新网站上的页面)会带来更大的工作量,但是会给你的用户带来一致和透明的用户体验。如果新旧网站之间没有一对一的对应关系,那就尽量至少保证旧网站上的每个页面都跳到一个有相似内容的新页面上。
  • 如果你是因为网站的品牌重建或重新设计(改版)而改变你的域名,你可能需要考虑分成两个阶段来实行:首先,迁移你的网站;其次,发布你的改版。这会在过程中的每个阶段控制你的用户看到的改变的数量,并且使得过程看起来更加的平滑。保持变量最小同样使得调查非预期用户行为更加容易。
  • 同时检查外部和内部指向你的页面的链接。理想情况下,你应该联系链接到你的网站的每个网站的网站管理员,并请他们更新链接而指向你新域名的页面。如果这不好操作的话,确保所有被链接的你的页面都指向你的新网站。你也应该在你的旧网站里检查内部链接,并且更新它们来指向新域名。一旦你的内容放到了新的服务器上,使用链接检查器(如:Xenu)来确保你的网站上没有遗留性的错误链接。这在你原有内容含有绝对链接(如:www.example.com/cooking/recipes/chocolatecake.html)而不是相对链接(如:…/recipes/chocolatecake.html)时尤为重要。
  • 为了避免混淆,最好能够确保你能保留旧网站域名的控制权至少180天。
  • 添加你的新网站到你的网站管理员工具帐号中,并验证你的所有权。然后创建并提交一个列出你的新网站上的URL站点地图。这告诉 Google 你的内容现在已经在你的新网站上可用了,并且我们应该去抓取了。
  • 最后,保持你的新旧网站都在网站管理员工具中处于验证状态,并且定期浏览抓取错误以确保 301 跳转运作正常,并且新的网站没有出现不想要的 404 错误。

我们承认,迁移决不会是一件容易的事情 但是这些步骤应该会帮助确保你的网站的好声誉不会在搬家过程中从卡车上掉下来


Planning on moving your site to a new domain? Lots of webmasters find this a scary process. How do you do it without hurting your site’s performance in Google search results?

Your aim is to make the transition invisible and seamless to the user, and to make sure that Google knows that your new pages should get the same quality signals as the pages on your own site. When you’re moving your site, pesky 404 (File Not Found) errors can harm the user experience and negatively impact your site’s performance in Google search results.

Let’s cover moving your site to a new domain (for instance, changing from http://www.example.com/ to http://www.example.org/). This is different from moving to a new IP address; read this post for more information on that.

Here are the main points:

·                         Test the move process by moving the contents of one directory or subdomain first. Then use a 301 Redirect to permanently redirect those pages on your old site to your new site. This tells Google and other search engines that your site has permanently moved.

·                         Once this is complete, check to see that the pages on your new site are appearing in Google’s search results. When you’re satisfied that the move is working correctly, you can move your entire site. Don’t do a blanket redirect directing all traffic from your old site to your new home page. This will avoid 404 errors, but it’s not a good user experience. A page-to-page redirect (where each page on the old site gets redirected to the corresponding page on the new site) is more work, but gives your users a consistent and transparent experience. If there won’t be a 1:1 match between pages on your old and new site, try to make sure that every page on your old site is at least redirected to a new page with similar content.

·                         If you’re changing your domain because of site rebranding or redesign, you might want to think about doing this in two phases: first, move your site; and second, launch your redesign. This manages the amount of change your users see at any stage in the process, and can make the process seem smoother. Keeping the variables to a minimum also makes it easier to troubleshoot unexpected behavior.

·                         Check both external and internal links to pages on your site. Ideally, you should contact the webmaster of each site that links to yours and ask them to update the links to point to the page on your new domain. If this isn’t practical, make sure that all pages with incoming links are redirected to your new site. You should also check internal links within your old site, and update them to point to your new domain. Once your content is in place on your new server, use a link checker like Xenu to make sure you don’t have broken legacy links on your site. This is especially important if your original content included absolute links (like www.example.com/cooking/recipes/chocolatecake.html) instead of relative links (like …/recipes/chocolatecake.html).

·                         To prevent confusion, it’s best to make sure you retain control of your old site domain for at least 180 days.

·                         Add your new site to your Webmaster Tools account, and verify your ownership of it. Then create and submit a Sitemap listing the URLs on your new site. This tells Google that your content is now available on your new site, and that we should go and crawl it.

·                         Finally, keep both your new and old site verified in Webmaster Tools, and review crawl errors regularly to make sure that the 301s from the old site are working properly, and that the new site isn’t showing unwanted 404 errors.

We’ll admit it, moving is never easy – but these steps should help ensure that none of your good web reputation falls off the truck in the process.

译者:Leon Zhang, DigiMarketing.cn
原作者:Ríona MacNamara, Webmaster Tools Team
原文:From Official Google Webmaster Central Blog, http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2008/04/best-practices-when-moving-your-site.html

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引用地址: http://digimarketing.cn/?p=345

本文由 Leon Zhang 发布(原创、翻译或转载)。 浏览量:339次, 发布日期: 2008-05-3 ,分类目录: 网站平台。 您可以订阅本文 RSS 2.0 第一时间获取最新的回复信息。 评论和引用功能暂时关闭。


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